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Creative Europe

Poland is a member of Creative Europe, the European Union’s program which offers support to initiatives in the cultural and audiovisual sectors as well as to the cross-sectoral activities.


The new Creative Europe program for 2021-2027 puts stronger emphasis on transnational creation, innovation, mobility for artists and professionals as well as actions targeting sector-specific needs. For the period 2021-2027, the program’s estimated budget is €2.44 billion. 
The MEDIA strand of the Creative Europe programme supports the European film and audiovisual industries to develop, distribute and promote European works, taking into account today’s digital environment.

The schemes of support of the MEDIA sub-programme are structured around 3 clusters:

  •  Content cluster: the creation and production of high-quality content is the foundation of the European audiovisual industry.
  • Business cluster under the MEDIA strand of Creative Europe promotes business innovation, scalability and talents across the European audiovisual industry’s value chain.
  • Audience cluster: the objective of the audience cluster is to connect European audiovisual works with their audiences and to support audience development across Europe and beyond.


Content cluster

The support of the MEDIA programme focuses on actions with a strong European added value, encouraging cross-border cooperation among producers and content developers and stimulating innovation in terms of content. It does so through high quality storytelling, business models, use of technology by content companies and more.

The supporting actions in 2023 under the content cluster are:

European Co-development

Aims to enable scaling up of projects and allow producers from different countries to start working together at development phase, with an expected increase of the quality and market potential of the final works. Cooperation amongst producers from different territory sizes and linguistic areas will be encouraged, to contribute to a more level playing field, foster talent, wherever it comes from, thereby preserving and stimulating cultural diversity.

European Co-development supports the co-development of one Animation, Creative Documentary or Fiction project for Cinema, TV or Digital Platforms.

How much can you apply for?

Maximum €60,000 per partner (max €100,000 for TV Series with production budgets over €20 million)

European Slate Development

European Slate Development fosters the competitiveness of European independent production companies to increase their economic weight on the market. The aim is also to increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop projects with the potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international coproduction.

Support will be given to independent European production companies able to develop a slate of 3 to 5 audiovisual works in fiction, animation, and creative documentary. Applicants may add a short film by emerging talent to their slate.

How much can you apply for?

Project budget (maximum grant amount): between €90,000 and €510,000 per project.

The grant will be a lump sum grant. This means that it will reimburse a fixed amount, based on a lump sum or financing not linked to costs. The amount is prefixed by the granting authority at:

  • Animation one-off: €55,000
  • Animation series: €60,000
  • Creative documentary one-off: €30,000
  • Creative documentary series: €35,00
  • Fiction one-off with production budget below or equal to €5M: €45,000
  • Fiction one-off with a production budget above €5M: €60,000
  • Fiction series with a production budget below or equal to €5M: €55,000
  • Fiction series with a production budget above €5M but below or equal to €20M: €75,000
  • Fiction series with a production budget above €20M: €100,000
  • Short film: €10,000.

European Mini-Slate Development

European Mini-Slate  Development fosters the competitiveness of European independent production companies form Low Audiovisual Capacity Countries to increase their economic weight on the market. The aim is also to increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop projects with the potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international co-production.

Support will be given to independent European production companies registered in Low Audiovisual Capacity Countries in able to develop a slate of 2 to 3 audiovisual works in fiction, animation, and creative documentary. Applicants may add a short film by emerging talent to their slate.

How much can you apply for?

Project budget (maximum grant amount): between €60,000 and €310,000 per project. The grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.

The grant will be a lump sum grant. This means that it will reimburse a fixed amount, based on a lump sum or financing not linked to costs. The amount is prefixed by the granting authority at:

  • Animation one-off: €55,000
  • Animation series: €60,000
  • Creative documentary one-off: €30,000
  • Creative documentary series: €35,00
  • Fiction one-off with production budget below or equal to €5M: €45,000
  • Fiction one-off with a production budget above €5M: €60,000
  • Fiction series with a production budget below or equal to €5M: €55,000
  • Fiction series with a production budget above €5M but below or equal to €20M: €75,000
  • Fiction series with a production budget above €20M: €100,000
  • Short film: €10,000.

Video Games and Immersive Content Development

Aims to increase the capacity of European video game producers, Extended Reality (XR) studios and audiovisual production companies to develop video games and interactive immersive experiences with the potential to reach global audiences. This funding support will help the European video games industry more competitive, increase production and reach of EU interactive immersive content, and enable the retention of intellectual property by European developers.

How much can you apply for?

  • Project budget - maximum grant amount: €150,000 per project.
  • The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget and a funding rate of maximum 50% of total eligible costs.

TV and Online Content

Provides opportunities to independent producers to take the initiative and pursue their own original productions. Support to TV and online content is to increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop and produce strong projects with significant potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international co-productions within the television and online sector.

How much can you apply for?

  • For creative documentaries, the maximum grant amount is €300,000 per project.
  • For animation works, the maximum grant amount is €500,000 per project.
  • For drama works, the maximum grant amount per project is: €500,000 if the eligible production budget is below €10m; it's €1m if the eligible production budget is between €10m and €20m; €2m if the eligible production budget is above €20m.
  • The grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.
  • The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget and a funding rate of maximum 20%.


Business cluster

This cluster of measures under the MEDIA programme promotes business innovation, scalability and talents across the value chain. Specific groups driving the internationalisation of the sector – such as distributors and sales agents – and key market and networking initiatives will receive targeted support, with a view to strengthening the cross-border collaboration, learning and knowledge-sharing which allow the industry to grow beyond its national territories.

The calls for proposals for support in 2023 under the business cluster are:

Innovative Tools and Business Models

Aims to improve the visibility and availability of European works and increase audiences in the digital environment. Projects will focus on the specific challenges of the audiovisual sector such as discoverability, sequencing of release windows, financing and territoriality.  Support will also be given to tools for greening of the industry.

How much can you apply for?

  • Project budget (maximum grant amount): No limit.
  • The grant will be a budget-based.

·        The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget and a funding rate of maximum 70% of total eligible costs.

European Film Distribution

Aims to foster the capacity of distributors to invest in the promotion of non-national European works. The support is targeted towards established companies and acts as an incentive to better promote European non-national films by mitigating the commercial risk that such films can have.

How much can you apply for?

  • Maximum grant amount is €1,000,000 per project.
  • The grant will be a budget-based.

·        The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget and a funding rate of maximum 70% of total eligible costs.

European Film Sales

Aims to foster the sales of European works outside their national territories. This support is targeted towards established companies and acts as an incentive to promote the circulation of European works and increase their commercial potential.

How much can you apply for?

  • Maximum grant amount is €750,000 per project. The grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.
  • The grant will be a budget-based .
  • The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget and a funding rate of maximum 70% of total eligible costs

Audience cluster

The objective of the audience cluster is to connect European audiovisual works with their audiences and to support audience development across Europe and beyond.

The calls for proposals for support in 2023 under the audience cluster are:

Networks of European Cinemas

Supports a network of European cinema operators screening a significant proportion of non-national European films for an increased audience.

How much can you apply for?

  • Project budget (maximum grant amount): No limit.
  • The grant will be a budget-based
  • The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget and a funding rate of maximum 95% of total eligible costs

European Festivals

Aims to promote the circulation of European non-national works, foster cultural diversity and increase audience outreach for European audiovisual works.

How much can you apply for?

The grant will be a lump sum grant. This means that it will reimburse a fixed amount, based on a lump sum or financing not linked to costs. The amount is prefixed by the granting authority at:

Number of European films in the programming

Lump Sum in Euros (per year)


< 40 European films27.000
40 - 60 European films35.000
61 - 80 European films41.000
81 - 100 European films46.000
101 - 120 European films55.000
121 - 200 European films63.000
> 200 European films75.000


Number of European short films in the programmingLump Sum in Euros (per year)
< 150 European films19.000
150 - 250 European films25.000
> 250 European films33.000


Films on the Move

Aims to increase the circulation of European works and widen their pan-European audience by supporting theatrical and online distribution of non-national European films. Support will focus on pan-European distribution strategies coordinated by European companies for the distribution of European films with a focus on emerging talents and films for new audiences.

How much can you apply for?

  • Project budget (maximum grant amount): No limit.
  • The grant will be a budget-based
  • The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget and a funding rate of maximum 90% of total eligible costs

Audience Development & Film Education 

Aims to stimulate the interest of audiences, in particular young audiences, in European films and audiovisual works. Cooperation between film institutions and online platforms will be encouraged. Supported projects should have a pan-European audience reach. Activities to be funded shall include audience oriented events and innovative audience development or cross-border film education initiatives.

How much can you apply for?

  • Project budget (maximum grant amount): No limit.
  • The grant will be a budget-based
  • The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget and a funding rate of maximum 70% of total eligible costs

Application procedure

Relevant information about the funding opportunities, application procedures and deadlines within the Creative Europe program can be found at the European Education and Culture Executive Agency: https://www.eacea.ec.europa.eu/grants/2021-2027/creative-europe_en



Creative Europe Desk Poland / Creative Europe Desk Polska


+48 22 447 61 80
