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Polish-German Film Fund

The Polish-German Film Fund (PGFF) is created by the Polish Film Institute, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM), and the German Federal Film Board (FFA). Its annual budget amounts to EUR 500 000.


1. Types of eligible projects

Production of feature films: narrative, documentary and animated films.

2. Grant amounts

The maximum amount of financing is generally set at 150,000 euros for co-production.

3. Application process

Applications are to be submitted using forms available on the websites of the PISF (https://pisf-wnioski.pl/.), MDM, Medienboard and the FFA. Application deadlines are announced on the above-mentioned websites. Duly completed application forms and all appendices must be submitted concurrently to all four organizations, in German or English on the German side, and in Polish on the Polish side.

The financial participation of each producer in the total costs of the project must be at least 20%, including the subsidy. . A substantial amount of the provided financial support must be spent in Poland and in the territory of the respective regional German funds, Medienboard and MDM (regional effects).

Co-financing may not exceed 70% of the project costs specified in the application, and the share of all co-producers in these costs must be at least 30%. The financial plan should foresee a significant own contribution of applicants. The Polish and German share in the production costs must correspond to the proportion of the rights granted to the co-producers in the co-production agreement.

Applications for financial support for co-production must contain:

  • a co-production agreement between at least one Polish producer and one producer based in Central Germany or Berlin-Brandenburg,
  • a script,
  • a summary,
  • detailed calculation which includes the regional effects,
  • financial plan,
  • a statement regarding the acquisition of copyrights to the script (including contracts),
  • a list with a cast of key creative functions (actors and crew),
  • detailed director and producer notes.

In an application for production funding, each of the co-producers from Poland and Germany needs to specify respectively the Polish and German amount of his or her requested share of funding adding up to the total funding request. While a Polish producer always will be granted his share of funding from the PISF, the German producer needs to mark in the application form, to which of the two funds, MDM or Medienboard, he or she will apply — as a rule in accordance to his or her company's place of registration as well as in consideration of the regional effects.

 Financial support is granted on the base of a contract with the beneficiary from the respective country. In specific on the German side, financial support is granted on the base of a contract, as a rule with the beneficiary from the respective region.

Financial support must be repaid following the film's theatrical premiere or other form of exhibition, using profits generated by the film.