DAUL Jacek Jastrzębski
Company category: "location & scouting".
location & scouting
Daul’s database already has over 25.000 locations in & around Krakow and Warsaw and it grows successively. Tell us what you are looking for and if we don’t already have it - we will be happy to find it for you.
Film location database, location scouting, Location Manager
Warsaw Unit
You can write to us by email
lokacje@daul.plor make a call
+48 509 726 225or check the website
https://daul.plor just visit us at this address
Chełmska 21/4A lok. 105 00-724 Warsaw Mazovian 6762093641
Contact person
Agnieszka Olszewska, Warsaw Unit Manager
You can write to us by email
agnieszkaolszewska@daul.plor make a call
+48 509 526 886or just visit us at this address